Tis the season for family, the flu, and fights. I (Bethany) am writing this week’s article because Scott is very sick and stuck at home. I can count on one hand how many times Scott has been out sick. He spent the whole weekend in bed, poor guy. Anyway….his FOB “flat on back” time it got me thinking about three other F’s:
Discover the 3 F’s
#1 Flu
Have you gotten your flu shot? I sure hope so! This season is supposed to be BAD – and if you have health insurance it is probably covered. This year we headed over to Walgreens as a family and we actually had a good time getting our shots together (maybe it was the trip down the candy isle afterward). Save money this season by not getting sick as much.
#2 Family
I just love this time of year – so much fun with the fam. I want to encourage you to relish in your family traditions. It doesn’t cost anything and your kids will talk about them for years. We have some fun ones like…..the kids cannot come downstairs until Scott plays the Christmas music. The guys love looking, from above, and seeing all of the presents under the tree and trying to guess what’s there. They also throw things down the stairs and they hit our door – it is just so funny to walk outside of our bedroom door and see a sea of socks, shirts and a myriad of other things. We also pick names and then, in addition to our other gifts, we buy that person a $10 gift and write a poem to the person. It is so much fun. What are some of your traditions? We would love to hear.
#3 Fights
I can’t leave you without mentioning this one. Christmas time can be one of the most expensive and stressful times of year….and Money Fights come as fast as Santa does. If you are Saver/Security Seeker or a Security Seeker/Saver, you are often miserable because there is so much money flying out of the door. All of the other combinations of Money Personalities don’t get quite as stressed but may often feel a sense of remorse after the holidays. After all of the decorations are put away and the bills start coming, Yikes. This year make sure you stick to your plan and don’t argue with your spouse about the money. No more Money Fights. You can always apply our “stop, drop, and roll method” if you feel a fight coming on.
We would love to hear your traditions and any suggestions you would like to add to stop the Money Fights this season.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Make it Happen,
Scott & Bethany Palmer
The Money Couple